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Welcome! I’m Hamidah (pronounced Huh-mee-dah). I’m usually based in Montreal, QC, at McGill. I study math and other things.

a picture of me sitting on rocks outside. the smile is very big.

So what am I up to?

I’m currently in Berkeley, CA, at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience and the Topos Institute.

I’m a fellow at IFP, a DC think tank, where I focus on high-skilled immigration and metascience. I’ve also recently joined Reboot as an editor.

Nice. What about before?

This past summer, I worked at Amazon (AWS) in Vancouver. I helped with NaijaCoder, worked on the Data Provenance Initiative, and hung out at B21. Previously, I was also on the UK Day One Project team.


I’d be down to talk if you’re interested in anything mentioned here, and meet if you’re in the Bay Area :) Feel free to reach out at oderinwaleh@gmail.com or hamidah@ifp.org.